LGBTQ+ and missing


What is this survey about? 


At Missing People we want to understand more about how LGBTQ+ people experience being missing, including whether gender and sexuality may influence people to go missing, and Missing People's role in supporting missing people. 


How long will this survey take?


This survey is short and will only take a couple of minutes to complete. 


What will you do with the findings?


We will use the findings to write up an info sheet. We may use any open text comments you give, but any use of quotes will be completely anonymised so you will not be identifiable. 


Responses to the survey are anonymous, strictly confidential, and will be stored securely and only accessible by the research team at Missing People. 


About Missing People 


Missing People is a lifeline when someone disappears. We provide support for anyone affected by missing, including through our free, confidential helpline. If you need to talk to someone as a result of taking this survey, please contact Missing People via phone or text on 116 000, or e-mail 


If you have any comments or questions please contact Jane Hunter, Head of Research, by e-mailing 


1. Before continuing, please tick the following box to confirm that you:

  • Are aged 18 or more

    Are under no duress or pressure to complete this questionnaire

    Understand you may withdraw from the survey at any point

    Understand that your answers will be securely stored and anonymised

    Understand that your answers will be used (in a fully anonymised way) in external materials, including a research report