Jan 2019 - a short survey for adultADHD.org.uk


1. Are you an adult resident in the UK with a formal diagnosis of ADHD?


2. What age were you when you got your formal diagnosis?


3. How long did it take you to get that diagnosis?


4. Did you use the NHS or go private?


5. Did you see and discuss things with your GP first?


6. What treatment(s) were proposed?


7. Are you still following the recommended treatment(s)?


8. Have the recommended treatments improved things?


9. Are you happy to provide some limited contact information for possible follow up (this will never be shared with any third parties)? For postcode, the first 3 or 4 characters are sufficient, eg SO32.


10. Do you feel this survey asked some useful questions? If not, please use the comment box below to suggest improvements...

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