1. Full Name *


2. Address *


3. Email Address *


4. Mobile Number *


5. Landline Number 


6. Are you willing to sign up to the Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests? *


7. Are you willing to have your name published as a Healthwatch Volunteer? *


8. Have you ever had a criminal conviction? *


9. Are you willing to undertake a DBS check? *


10. Do you wish to apply for an exemption from attending training workshops on Enter & View or Safeguarding? If yes please upload a statement for panel consideration *


11. File upload for training exemption

Choose File

12. Why are you applying to be a Healthwatch Volunteer? (Max. 200 words) *


13. Are there any areas of health and social care you feel you have experience or expertise? Either as a commissioner, provider or user. (Max. 200 words) *