The Kinship Care Team offers specialised support for the kinship carers of ‘looked after’ children whom East Ayrshire HSCP has responsibility for.  We offer 1-1 support targeted at promoting your resilience, understanding and responding to children’s needs; guidance and advice around legal matters, meetings, family time; sign posting for financial support, help for your own welfare.  For these carers, our team hosts monthly coffee mornings in Kilmarnock and in Cumnock.  These provide a comfortable space for kinship carers to meet one another and build supports in each other.  Further, our kinship carers are invited to training facilitated for kinship, foster carers and adopters.  There is a training calendar available to sign up to these events.


Our team also hosts up to 4 community events per year.  These events are for all kinship carers living in East Ayrshire where a guest speaker delivers support and training specific to the needs of kinship carers.  

Whilst our 1-1 support is only available to kinship carers of whom the children they look after are supported by East Ayrshire Children and Families Social Services, we have a duty support and advice line for anyone within East Ayrshire who may need guidance or signposting in regard to kinship care.


By completing this survey, you recognise yourself either as someone who uses this service or someone who has previously used this service in East Ayrshire.


We will process this information confidentially and will not share the individual responses with any other agency or party.  The responses will be gathered to allow us to best understand the current services and any areas for future improvement.  


If you do not wish to complete this survey, you can exit at any time. If you have any questions in relation to this survey, please email



1. I confirm that by continuing I am consenting to taking part in this survey. *


2. Are you currently receiving, or have recently received, support from our service in East Ayrshire? *


3. Would you know who to contact regarding a query you may have in relation to your role as a Kinship Carer?