Before you submit your form make sure you have calculated your carbon footprint. This will help you choose the options which will have the most impact.
Once you have calculated your carbon footprint, select at least 10 actions from the list below. There is also an ‘other’ option so you can add in your own actions.
Once you have done this hit submit. You will automatically be signed up to our Intelligently Green e-newsletter which will have hints and tips to help you with your challenge.
Every three months throughout the challenge we will ask you to fill in a quick survey so you can share your progress and help to inspire others.
Good luck and thank you for taking the Intelligently Green Challenge.
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
4. Insert your current total carbon footprint
Ways to cut your carbon footprint
Choose at least 10 items from the options below.
11. Other
If you have other actions you are pledging to carry out to cut your carbon footprint then please list them here.