KE follow-on fund

The KE follow-on fund is designed to support activities carried out after KE events to maximise impact.

We anticipate requests of up to £3k, but this is flexible.

Any external partners are expected to cover their own expenses.

Privacy Policy
Your details will be handled in-line with the ICMS Privacy Policy, which is available to read here
Where appropriate, this information will be shared with V-KEMS partners for evaluation purposes.

1. Name of applicant (main point of contact) *


2. Institution *


3. Email address *


4. Please list any partners from outside the academic mathematical sciences *


5. Title and date of original event *


6. Funding requested *


7. Please provide a description of the proposed activity, including timeline and deliverables: *


8. Please describe how the proposed activity will enhance the output from the original event: *


9. Please provide any questions, comments or additional information here: