Join our Young Organiser School 2021

1. Please complete this short survey

Dear Comrade,

Thank you for registering for our YOUNG ORGANISER SCHOOL 2021

Please complete this short survey. We will then send you the Zoom link nearer the date.

Thank you,

Morgan Horn
Industrial Officer


Saturday 3 April, 11.30 – 3pm

Celebrate the launch of the YCL’s 100 year celebrations with a range of speakers from across the trade union and labour movement!

Discuss and develop the skills that the working class movement needs to take our struggle forwards!

Join 3 interactive workshops on:
  • Learning from our past and organising for our future
  • Linking our struggles within the broad movement
  • Communist election strategies and skills

YCL members as well as non-members are warmly invited to take part, share their experiences and learn from each other.

The movement needs young organisers like you!

#ConquerYourFuture #PeaceJobsSocialism #YCL #YCL100
Create your own free online survey.