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Housing Strategy Consultation

Have your say on our new Draft Housing Strategy 2022/27 for St Helens Borough. 

This Strategy clearly sets out our priorities for housing over the next five years, both in relation to the housing that we want built but also in relation to how our neighbourhoods can be improved and strengthened in the coming years. This Strategy has been coproduced with providers and partners to ensure it reflects the goals and aspirations across the borough.

You can tell us what you think by completing this survey.   

1. The Housing Strategy sets a vision of Quality Housing & Accessible Homes for all. Do you agree with this vision for the borough?


2. The Housing Strategy has been developed around five key themes. Do you agree with the following themes?

Towards Net Zero
Delivering Regeneration and Growth
Creating Communities
Improving Health and Wellbeing
Supported and Specialist Housing

3. Do you agree that the Housing Strategy supports the priorities of the Borough Strategy?

Create Safe & Strong Communities and Neighbourhoods for all
Promote good health, independence and care across our communities
Create green and vibrant places that reflect our heritage and culture
Support a strong, thriving, inclusive and well-connected local economy
Ensure Children and Young People have a positive start in life
Be a responsible council

4. Do you agree with the key objectives of the theme 'Towards Net Zero'?

Support the delivery of the Council Climate Response Plan and ambition to achieve Net Zero by 2040
Reduce fuel poverty in the borough with targeted activity for the residents in need of support
Maximise all funding opportunities to increase the sustainability of housing across all tenures to achieve net zero carbon target

5. Do you agree with the key objectives of the theme 'Delivering Regeneration and Growth'?

Delivery of a minimum of 468 homes per year to meet identified housing needs
Secure a balance of delivery of both affordable and executive homes across the borough to ensure that there is a diverse housing offer to retain and attract new residents
Raise design standards for new build developments - recognising local heritage, neighbourhood design and promotion of best practice in our borough

6. Do you agree with the key objectives of the theme 'Improving Health and Wellbeing'?

Prioritise the development of bungalows and homes for larger families to ensure that the housing stock is accessible for residents with additional needs
Secure over £2.5m per annum in adaptations to enable residents with disabilities to remain living independently at home
Improve and expand the assistive technology offer available to residents to support independent living

7. Do you agree with the key objectives of the theme 'Creating Communities'?

Ensure that housing and housing providers are central to the development and delivery of a new localities model in the borough
Ensure that Houses in Multiple Occupation in the borough are suitable, safe, well managed and meet local housing needs by the creation of a new HMO Policy for the borough
Bring back into use long-term empty homes that have a detrimental impact on our neighbourhoods

8. Do you agree with the key objectives of the theme 'Supported and Specialist Housing'?

Ensure that housing has a key role in the wider priority of tackling inequalities in the borough
Strengthen the response to new providers of exempt accommodation to ensure that vulnerable residents are safeguarded, and that investment is targeted to meet local needs
Review the existing programme of delivery of housing related support to ensure quality accommodation and improved outcomes are being delivered to service users

9. Are there any other housing related issues or actions that you think should be within this Strategy?


10. Does the Housing Strategy provide sufficient information regarding the local housing market in St Helens?

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