…sharing your ideas for Wisbech and
helping you make them happen. We want to find out what a good community looks like to you, and what you would do to improve your neighbourhood if given the opportunity.
We want to ask you 3 questions about what you love about Wisbech and what you'd change. If you have an idea that can benefit where you live, we want to hear about it! It will only take around 5 minutes.
Together we* collect and use information about you - such as your name, postcode and contact details - so that we can listen and follow up on your ideas for Wisbech. Full details about how we use this data and the rights you have around this can be found in our privacy notice at www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/privacy. If you have any queries, please contact the Data Protection Officer at data.protection@cambridgeshire.gov.uk. The national regulator for Data Protection is the Information Commissioner’s Office: https://ico.org.uk/
By clicking “next” you confirm you are happy for your response to be used in the survey analysis and results. Your responses may be included as valid answers, even if you do not click “submit” at the end of the survey.
Thank you
The 'I Heart Wisbech' Team
*Cambridgeshire County Council,.Care Network Cambridgeshire, Clarion, CPSL Mind, Fenland District Council, Ferry Project, HealthWatch, Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations, Oasis Community Development Trust and Wisbech Town Council.