Why do we want to hear from you? 

We would like to know if your needs are being met. Working with you, our colleagues in Local Primary Care Networks (GPs), hospitals, the emergency services, and at the Canal and River Trust we want to understand if there is a need to improve access to Health Care Services for the Boating Community.

What difference will your feedback make? 
The aim is to help anyone who lives on a boat get the information and support they need.

Who are Healthwatch Warwickshire?  
Healthwatch Warwickshire are an independent service for everyone who uses health and social care in Warwickshire. We help people understand the health and social care system through sign posting. Together with our volunteers we make your voice heard to help improve NHS and Adult Social Care services, so the care you receive meets your needs.


You will be able to read our findings, and find out more about our other work, on our website. www.healthwatchwarwickshire.co.uk 


Tell us a bit about you.

By telling us more information about yourself, throughout these questions, you will help us better understand how people's views may differ depending on their personal characteristics. However, if you do not wish to answer all the questions you do not have to. We will only share your feedback anonymously through our reporting.


Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

If you need more information about our organisation or you would like to tell us in more detail about your experiences, please contact us: 


Call:       01926 422 823

Email:    info@healthwatchwarwickshire.co.uk 

Website:  www.healthwatchwarwickshire.co.uk 


Posting back: Write FREEPOST HEALTHWATCH WARWICKSHIRE on your envelope to post your questionnaire back to us for free.