Liverpool’s Inclusive Economic Strategy 2040


About This Survey

Liverpool City Council is developing an Inclusive Economic Strategy to help shape the city's future up to 2040. This strategy's aims are that economic growth benefits everyone, creating opportunities for residents, businesses, and communities, setting a clear vision for Liverpool 2040:

To create a strong and inclusive economy that leaves no one behind; strengthening our foundations to build a fairer, more prosperous, and sustainable city that creates opportunities for a good life for all our residents.

The strategy was developed in partnership with key organisations, employers, colleges, and universities from across the city.

We would like the views and feedback on the strategy and its key themes from anyone who lives, works, studies or visits Liverpool.  Your feedback ensures the strategy reflects the needs and aspirations of all, will help us refine our plans and guide our actions to build a fair, inclusive, and sustainable economy that leaves no one behind.

The following survey questions are divided into the eight themes that reflect the strategy’s priorities. Which are:

  • Strengthening our key sectors to drive productivity, investment and innovation.
  • Building a vibrant, productive and resilient business base.
  • Ensuring access to skills development, employment and career building.
  • Placing people at the heart of growth activity and supporting people's aspirations.
  • Drive housing, regeneration and physical infrastructure to support sustainable and fair growth.
  • Improve connectivity and transport networks to increase access to jobs, services, and opportunities.
  • Enhance social, community and cultural infrastructure to build cohesive and resilient communities.
  • Build a city that is accessible to all.

You can choose to provide feedback on as many or as few themes as you like. If a theme isn't relevant to you, feel free to skip it and move to the next one. You can also skip straight to the final section to share your general feedback on the overall strategy.

What happens to my views?

All the information received from this questionnaire will be treated in confidence and is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (2018). All individual responses will be treated as fully confidential and non-identifiable. Information will be held securely by Liverpool City Council and their contract consultants Inner Circle Consulting and will be used solely for the purposes of the work as stated and will be destroyed 12 months after it closes. 

This survey should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.

Closing date: 9th April 2024

If you have any questions about this survey please email us.