Immunisation Service Survey – For Parents & Guardians


1. How would you prefer to receive information regarding the immunisations that are on offer to your child to receive in school? *


2. How would you prefer to consent or refuse consent for your child to receive an immunisation in school? *


3. What might stop you from returning consent forms for immunisations as quickly as possible if they are paper copies? *


4. If your answer to Question 3 is ‘lack of information’, please specify what additional information you require and how you would like to receive it *


5. What might stop you from returning consent forms for immunisations as quickly as possible if they are electronic copies? *


6. If your answer to Question 5 is ‘lack of information’, please specify what additional information you require and how you would like to receive it. *


7. If your child attends secondary school, would you be happy for them to be offered the opportunity to consent for themselves for a vaccination?

(Please note: You would be sent an information letter with the option to opt out of the vaccination on their behalf (under the age of 16), prior to this being offered to them in school) *


8. Is there anything that the immunisation team could do to make the consent process for immunisations easier or more helpful? *