1. Estates and Facilities Day 2024

Wednesday 19th June 2024 marked National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day​ 2024. This key date will give us the extra opportunity to celebrate and thank all our Estates and Facilities Bank Members who work tirelessly across the NHS.  
We would like to celebrate this date, by sharing images of some of our Estates and Facilities Bank Members on our social media platforms with their pin badges.
If you are an Estates and Facilities Bank Member and would be interested in having your image shared on this key date, please complete our survey below.


1. Name: *


2. Email address: *


3. Job role: *


4. Which Trust do you work for? *


5. What inspired you to work as an Estates and Facilities Bank Member for the NHS? *


6. What makes you most proud to be an Estates and Facilities Bank Member working to support the NHS? *


7. What do you like most about working for NHS Professionals? *


8. Please upload a photo of yourself with your pin badge to accompany your quote. *

Choose File

9. Have you read our consent form?

By ticking yes, you are giving consent for your comments and images to be used, shared and stored. *