
We're keen to know what you think about the website www.happyoksad.org.uk and how it could be improved if necessary. So we'd be very grateful if you could complete the short survey below.

The information you give will be kept confidential. No details that could identify you will be used in any reports that we write from the information you provide in this survey.

If you feel unable to cope and need support now, then contact your GP. Another option, is to ring the local Mental Health Crisis Line 0800 051 1508. This is for people living in Warrington Halton, Knowsley or St Helens, who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The crisis line is for people of all ages and is open 24/7. Friends and family members of someone experiencing a mental health crisis, can also ring for advice. For more details visit Mersey Care’s website.

You'll also find information about organisations that can help on www.happyoksad.org.uk. Once on the site visit the ‘Support Directory’ and use the filter options at the side of the page to find the type of support you are looking for. Alternatively, for urgent mental health support visit ‘I need help right now’.


Data Protection and Confidentiality

We comply with all legislation governing the protection of personal information, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Any personal information you supply will remain strictly confidential and anonymous and will be held and used in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. We will only use your personal information for the purpose for which it has been given. The information you provide through this survey will be kept secure and analysed by Warrington Borough Council.

You can read our Privacy Notice here. Your responses are stored on UK based servers by the online account service that we use ‘Smart Survey’ – please refer to their Privacy Policy here.

Different formats and queries

Please email publichealth@warrington.gov.uk if:
  • You have any concerns or questions about the survey.
  • You’d like the survey in another language
  • You’d like a paper copy of the survey.
  • You’d like the survey in a different format such as large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language.
  • You need help completing the survey. 

Thank you