Have your say on two new diagnostic buildings in Great Yarmouth


Who is Healthwatch Norfolk?

Healthwatch Norfolk is the independent voice for patients and service users in the county. We gather your views of health and social care services to ensure they are heard by the people in charge.

What is this survey about?

Healthwatch Norfolk is collecting feedback about two new buildings for diagnostic tests, which are currently being built. If you live in Great Yarmouth or the surrounding area, or have been a patient at the James Paget University Hospital (JPUH), we want to hear from you. One building will be based on the James Paget University Hospital site (JPUH) and the other building will be based on the Northgate Hospital site. Both of these buildings will be run by clinical staff and teams from the JPUH. The JPUH site will have the latest diagnostic equipment including a CT scanner, MRI, ultrasound and X-ray. The site at Northgate Hospital will have a CT scanner.  

These buildings, will be called Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs). The aim of CDCs is to increase people's access to diagnostic tests, which could lead to earlier diagnosis and help to reduce the pressure on hospitals. 

We would like to find out: 
- What facilities you would like to see at the centres? (e.g. refreshments, waiting rooms etc). 
- What impact (if any) you think the new CDCs will have on you and the hospital?
- Anything else that needs to be taken into consideration when opening both buildings? 

Whether you have had multiple diagnostic scans or have never had one before- your views are important to us. Hearing directly from the public will allow the JPUH to gain a better understanding of what people would like there to be at the new buildings and anything else that needs to be taken into consideration when opening both buildings as CDCs. 

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

If you would prefer to do this survey with us over the phone, please call Healthwatch Norfolk on 01953 856029 and we will arrange a time to ring you back to complete the survey. Alternatively, please email: enquiries@healthwatchnorfolk.co.uk for further support.

How the survey results will be used

Survey responses are being collected and analysed by Healthwatch Norfolk. You can read our full privacy policy at: www.healthwatchnorfolk.co.uk/about-us/privacy-statement.  

All responses will be anonymous and will be used to make recommendations to health and social care providers. The report will also be publicly available on our website and may be used in other Healthwatch Norfolk communications.

Want to keep in touch?

To stay up to date with what we are doing at Healthwatch, you can sign up to our newsletter via our website: www.healthwatchnorfolk.co.uk

If you do not use email, you can call Healthwatch Norfolk on 01953 856029 to ask to receive our newsletter via post.

Survey closing date: 5th September 2024

Please note that questions marked with an asterisk (*) require responses.

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