Healthwatch Croydon Resident's Survey 2024


We are undertaking our Annual Survey and would like you to share your views on how we have done from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

This survey is for Croydon's residents and patients.  If you are a stakeholder, who might use our insight to inform their work, then please click on this link to complete a dedicated stakeholders survey here:

The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. The more views we hear from you the better.

For every completed survey, we will contribute £1 to the Civic Mayor of Croydon's Charitable Fund, which fundraises for organisations across the Croydon community - so another good reason to submit your views!

The feedback we receive will help us with our planning for the year ahead.

Many thanks for your time!

1.  Do you know that Healthwatch Croydon works in these areas? *

Providing information and advice
Gathering views from the public
Making views known and using these to impact change
Reaching people
Working with volunteers

2. How well do you know about the work Healthwatch Croydon does in these areas? *

Very wellWellNot WellNot well at allDo not know
Providing information and advice
Gathering views from the public
Making views known and using these to impact change
Reaching people
Working with volunteers

3.  How do you rate the work that Healthwatch Croydon does in these areas? *

Very positivelyPositivelyNeither positively nor negativelyNegativelyVery negativelyDo not know
Providing information and advice
Gathering views from the public
Making views known and using these to impact change
Reaching people
Working with volunteers

4. How has the work of Healthwatch Croydon helped you as a patient, service user or resident? *

Very positivelyPositivelyNeither positively nor negativelyNegativelyVery negativelyDo not know

5. What has Healthwatch Croydon done well in 2022-23? 



6.  What improvements can Healthwatch Croydon make to their service in the coming year?



7.  What areas do you think Healthwatch Croydon should prioritise in the coming year?  (You can pick more than one choice) *


8. Please tell us your gender *


9. Please tell us your age *


10. Please select your ethnicity *


11. What is your religion or belief? *


12. Do you have a disability or long term health condition? *


13. Which of the following disabilities or long term health condition do you have? *


14. Do you consider yourself to be a carer? *


15. What area do you live in? *