What matters?
The hospitality and tourism industry has faced a turbulent time over the past 18 months, however as the industry begins to build back after the disruption caused by Covid-19 this presents compelling new opportunities for those seeking a career in hospitality and tourism.

With skilled talent in high demand by employers, there’s an opportunity to influence the culture, working practices and the quality of jobs on offer.

This is your opportunity to tell us what’s important to you. The results of this survey will be used to inform industry on what’s important to employees and encourage change.

Your responses will be kept confidential. All answers will be pooled into aggregate measures for reporting and no individual person will be identified.


1. What area of the industry do you work in? *


2. What is your job role? *


3. What gender do you identify as?


4. How long have you worked in the industry?


5. On average how many hours do you work per week? *


6. What do you like best about your current employment which would make you continue to work there?


7. Which of the following are the most important criteria to make you stay in your job? (please rate them in order of importance from 1 to 8, 1 being most important.)

You can drag & drop to move the criteria up and down, or select a number from the drop down. *


8. Does your current role meet your expectations in the three criteria you rated most highly?


9. Which of the following factors would you rate as most important to you in a work environment? (please rate them in order of importance from 1 to 7, 1 being most important)

You can drag & drop to move the criteria up and down, or select a number from the drop down. *


10. What ideas or suggestions could your employer put in place to encourage people to stay in their employment?


11. Do you have any other comments/ideas would like to share on how employers can encourage retention of their people?