Social Media and Individuality


1. Which of the following social media platforms do you use?


2. How old are you? *


3. Individuality is said to be the totality of your aspirations, beliefs, values, sense of humor, talents, your style, and everything in between- the sum total of characteristics that make up who you are.

Name some things that make up who you are. This is a broad question so run with it..


4. How much do you value honesty?


5. Do you think there are situations when it is acceptable to not be honest?


6. What do you use social media for?


7. Do you think that people accurately convey who they are on social media?


8. IF you post things on social media, do you think you accurately convey who you are on social media?


9. Is it important to you that you accurately convey who you are on social media?


10. Have you ever done an activity (examples: gone on a hike, gone to a trendy resteraunt) for the purpose of posting it online?


11. If you answered yes or sometimes to the previous question: why do you think you do it?


12. If you use instagram: What are the 5 main types of things you see on your explore page?
For facebook: what is your feed made up of?


13. What are your definitions of the following words:
Cool (adjective)
Awesome (adjective)


14. Say you saw a beautiful lake on some social media platform... Do you go because you're inspired or because it's trendy?


15. What are your thoughts on this quote? Do you agree? Disagree?

“I believe that most of us have false beliefs about our own nature, and our identity over time, and that, when we see the truth, we ought to change some of our beliefs about what we have reason to do.”


16. What are your thoughts on this quote? Do you agree? Disagree?

“Every person's true identity is beautiful, and much of the ugliness we observe in others was put inside of them by external influences.”


17. What are your thoughts on this quote? Do you agree? Disagree?

“We tend to see ourselves through other people’s eyes. We respond to how other people actually treat us as well as to an imaginary audience of people who we presume are judging us. Even living in total isolation of other people, I would construct a sense of personal identity based upon how I thought other people would evaluate me if ‘they could only see me now.”

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