The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is consulting on key data protection issues in relation to developing and using generative AI models. We are seeking views on the allocation of controllership across the AI supply chain and lifecycle so generative AI developers and deployers can meaningfully fulfil their data protection obligations. Your responses will help us develop our final regulatory positions on generative AI which will be reflected in the ICO’s upcoming AI guidance update.

The ICO welcomes feedback to the questions set out in the survey. This survey is split into the following sections:  

  • Your views on our proposed regulatory approach
  • About you and your organisation
  • Final comments

The call for evidence will remain open until 5pm on 18 September 2024. We may not consider responses received after the deadline. 

This call for evidence is the fifth in a consultation series on generative AI. For more information about this consultation series, please see our introduction to the consultation: 

You can also respond to the consultation by contacting us on 

This survey will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.

Privacy statement 
For this consultation we may publish in full the responses received from organisations or a summary of the responses. If we do publish any responses, we will remove email addresses and telephone numbers from these responses. Please do not to share any information in your response which you would not be happy for us to make publicly available.

Should we receive an FOI request for your response we will always seek to consult with you for your views on the disclosure of this information before any decision is made. For more information about what we do with personal data please see our privacy notice. Please note that we are using the platform SmartSurvey to gather this information. Any data collected by SmartSurvey for the ICO is stored on UK servers. You can read their Privacy Policy and Notice here.

Are you happy to proceed? *