The Bristol Pupil Voice Survey 2025/2026

1. Bristol Pupil Voice Survey 2025/2026


Bristol City Council is committed to supporting all Bristol schools to improve young people’s health and wellbeing. Once again we are undertaking our ‘Pupil Voice Survey’ and offering the survey to all schools free of charge. 
The survey has been designed primarily for year 4, 6, 8 and year 10 pupils, however, all year groups below year 10 can take part. This survey is hugely important to help us all understand the health and wellbeing issues that are significant to young people themselves and some of the barriers that may prevent them achieving good health and wellbeing. This survey is an important capture of the views of young people across the city and is used to inform planning at all levels.
Each school completing the survey will receive their own school report, which will analyse and present their school data. These reports provide an evidence base to guide schools to plan ways to improve young people’s health, through participation in Healthy Schools, PSHE programmes, and other health-based interventions.
All the data collected is complied into a citywide report which is widely circulated but does not contain individual school data (see the latest report from 2022). The survey will take one lesson to complete and ideally will need access to computers. Hard copies and widget versions can be requested where necessary. 

The survey has been written and will be administered by the School Health Education Unit (SHEU) at Exeter University.