Thank you for taking part in this survey regarding My Vehicle Testing Service (MyVT).

Taking part in this survey is voluntary. This survey will ask you questions about several different themes, including:
  • The task you were trying to complete
  • Your overall experience
  • How we can improve the overall service

Data Protection
  • The responses you provide will be anonymous.
  • Your IP address will not be collected
  • All of your responses will remain confidential and will be stored securely
  • Your personal details will not be part of any published results
  • There are free-text fields for comment, but we ask that you do not include any information about yourself or anyone else that may make you or them individually identifiable

Responses will be aggregated, and the raw data will be kept for a maximum of 3 years. Your responses will be used by DVSA to gather insight into your experience of My Vehicle Testing (MyVT). The insight gathered will be shared with relevant departments across the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and third party contractors in order to deliver positive customer experiences.

For further information about how DVSA handles information please visit

By clicking the button to start the survey, you agree that DVSA can use the information as described.


1. Do you work for an Authorised Testing Facility? *


2. What task were you trying to perform on the Manage your vehicle testing website today? (select all that apply) *


3. Were you able to successfully complete your task? *


4. Overall, how did you feel about your experience on the website today? *


5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following? *

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The site was easy to use
The information was easy to find
The information was easy to understand
The amount of information was sufficient

6. How could we improve this service?


7. Did you have any help filling in this form?