
Wrist pain
Completing this eConsult allows us to ensure you get the right care for your wrist pain. Some wrist problems resolve on their own or may be treated by a pharmacist, but this form will help us decide the best course of action for you


2. Please accept the following: *


3. Please confirm that you agree to our privacy and data sharing policy. *


4. To ensure you receive the right care, we work with clinicians across the NHS, including local pharmacies. This means that your econsultation may be reviewed by a local pharmacist working for a local pharmacy or by one of our own staff members who will call you to discuss further if needed. For more information, click here.  Please accept the following. *


5. Who is this consultation about? 

All subsequent questions during the online consultation are directed at the person requiring the online consultation. You should only complete this consultation for: a) yourself, (b) for someone else where you have their permission to do so, (c) for someone else where you are permitted in law (for example, a parent or guardian, carer, someone with power of attorney). Please indicate who you are completing this online consultation for: *


6. How old is the patient? *