Falmouth BID Fourth Term Consultation Survey

Falmouth Business Improvement District (BID)
Fourth Term Consultation 2024-2029

Please respond by Friday 28th July  2023

Over the past decade, you have supported a BID which has delivered a huge variety of projects. From highly effective visuals such as the thousands of meters of bunting, to amazing events such as Tall Ships, from lobbying work which ensured businesses received Covid grants more speedily than any other UK area, to trailblazing #loveFalmouth campaigns that help attract 500,000+ annual visitors, your notfor-
profit team has been a crucial point of difference for Falmouth in the most challenging of times.

Especially in the current climate, knowing the town has a nationally recognised Town Team resource that delivers the above and much more, helps ensure Falmouth remains competitive and relevant. Not investing in our special town and therefore going backwards, should never be an option.  Your thoughts and ideas on projects will be crucial moving forward, so thank you for your time in filling out this survey. The more collaboration the better.  To see a hard copy of our consultation document including Falmouth BID's achievements during the current term, please go to https://www.falmouth.co.uk/ballot-2023/

*How We Will Use Your Data
Please note that the information you provide will be kept confidential in line with GDPR. Individual responses will remain anonymous unless you tell us we can publish a testimonial from you. Information given by levy payers will be summarised and used as valuable feedback for the purpose of preparing the Falmouth BID fourth term business plan. Giving your business name allows us to understand the view of levy payers from different sectors, business sizes and areas within the BID boundary. It also ensures we have the correct contact details, so you have the right to vote at the fourth term ballot.

1. Business Name (required so we can summarise feedback from a range of businesses by size/sector and area of Falmouth BID) *


Projects and Services

Please indicate your views of each of the following project ideas by ticking the appropriate boxes.

Theme 1 Elevating Our Town

Aim: To deliver brilliant PR and marketing campaigns that showcase our businesses and give compelling reasons to visit and invest in our special town. In a crowded marketplace, people do not visit by accident, they do so because of this vital work.

EssentialImportantNot Essential
2. Digital • Investing in the town’s official website as a great profile platform for your business. The site receives 35,000 hits a month. • Investing in brilliant promotional films that highlight all that’s special about Falmouth and its businesses.
3. PR • To develop outstanding stories that profile our BID businesses, sectors and town, attracting the attention of national and key regional media outlets. This vital destination brand work stimulates interest and influences visits.
4. Regional Campaigns • To develop a new, exciting out of season regional campaign that entices Cornwall residents to ’rediscover’ Falmouth and sample our amazing businesses.
5. #LoveFalmouth business video campaign • This new campaign will seek to visually tell your story. We will look to showcase all that’s great about our varied business sector, cleverly weaving business videos of what you’re doing into our effective PR, social and digital platforms.
6. Falmouth Map • To design and produce free copies of the hugely well received Falmouth Map & Guide for businesses and visitors.

7. Do these priorities for Elevating our Town align with your thinking?


8. Which is the most important project idea?


9. What other ideas do you have?


Theme 2 Energising Our Town

Aim: To fund and co-ordinate an outstanding, compelling events calendar that drives interest, footfall, uplift and profile to the town throughout the year. A programme that celebrates and brings together our special community.

EssentialImportantNot Essential
10. Falmouth major events programme: Fund and continue to develop our major annual festivals and one-offs that drive in hundreds of thousands of visitors, lead to major national profile and millions of pounds worth of economic uplift. Includes Falmouth Week, Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival, Festive Weekend and Falmouth Oyster Festival as well as amazing opportunities such as Tall Ships. Remember, without the Town Team resource, none of these would happen.
11. Falmouth Creates: Falmouth Creates facilitates, organises and supports a calendar of exciting events and activities to showcase our creative heritage resulting in a positive economic and social impact, particularly targeting the shoulder months to ensure greater support.

12. Do these priorities for Energising our Town align with your thinking?


13. Which is the most important project idea?


14. What other ideas do you have?


Theme 3 Enhancing Our Town

Aim: To create an attractive and welcoming town; fostering a strong pride in place and connected community.

EssentialImportantNot Essential
15. Visual Impact: Continuing to fund and coordinate a huge variety of eye-catching visual displays and dressing vacant units with key business messages. Falmouth BID will also commission new murals, designs and other items to brighten certain areas.
16. Volunteer Programme: Enhancing the Falmouth Volunteer ‘pride of place’ programme which involves over 150 volunteers each year working together to improve many aspects of Falmouth. Community action at its best.
17. Enhancing the Welcome: Ensuring our visitors receive a warm welcome to Falmouth through clear signage, wayfinding, on and offline literature and app guides.
18. Sustainable Falmouth: Minimising our impact on the environment will be the cornerstone of everything we do across all our theme areas. The use of low impact materials will be explored, as well as ways to reduce the footprint from our events and projects.

19. Do these priorities for Enhancing our Town align with your thinking?


20. Which is the most important project idea?


21. What other ideas do you have?


Theme 4 Engaging Our Town

Aim: To be responsive to challenging market conditions and offer extensive skills support to businesses. To identify solutions to issues that
affect Falmouth while championing business and town need at every opportunity.

EssentialImportantNot Essential
22. Business support and skills: Supporting training and skills programmes and opportunities for Falmouth’s business community around finance, cost savings, marketing and e-commerce.
23. Lobbying, Advocacy & Leadership: To be your voice regionally and nationally on numerous town centre and high streets policy groups and forums. To champion tirelessly on your behalf around business funding, high streets investment and other key issues that affect your business.
24. Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB): Your feedback has indicated anti-social behaviour (ASB) is an area you are very keen for the BID to engage in during Term 4. The BID will look at various measures, including instigating a new street marshal service, an enhanced Falmouth safety partnership, expanded Shopwatch offer and a new DISC crime reporting system.
25. Environment & Carbon Literacy: It is a challenging landscape for businesses to navigate in respect of adopting policies around this extensive agenda. So, will look to provide a framework of new support and training for businesses around emissions, impact, energy savings and more. This will sit within a wider environmental campaign that we will work with partners on instigating for the town over the fourth term.

26. Do these priorities for Engaging our Town align with your thinking?


27. Which is the most important project idea?


28. What other ideas do you have?


29. What is your response to Falmouth BID’s support and highlighted range of projects over this term?


30. Based on what you have read and know of the wide range of projects, would you vote ‘yes’ for Falmouth BID to continue investing in Falmouth for a fourth term?


31. Would you be prepared to give Falmouth BID a positive testimonial for use in our business plan?


32. Contact Details


33. Voter Details
Will you be the person voting in the Falmouth BID ballot?


34. If No, please provide the contact details for the person who will vote below so we can ensure we send the information to the correct voter for your business.

Thank you for contributing your time and expertise.