Fair Access Protocol (Cambridgeshire County Council) - Feedback


1. Fair Access Protocol 2019/20 - Feedback
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The Local Authority policy requires that the majority of schools are in agreement with our Fair Access Policy and process. We are therefore asking for your contributions and views of the proposed new Protocol which we will be consulting on. The new Protocol will be implemented in September 2019.

1. Following a review of the responses to our Fair Access Survey, and in order to reflect revised in year admission application processes, we have reviewed and amended the Fair Access Protocol.

We would welcome your comments and thoughts regarding the proposed Protocol. I attach below a link, which you will need to copy and paste into your browser, to the draft Protocol, and would be most grateful if, having read through the document and accompanying flowcharts you could complete this survey



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2. Would you be prepared to commit to and participate in the process, regularly?