Family Hub Room / Desk reservation Form

1. Family Hub reservation form

Please complete this form if you would like to book a room or hot desk in our family hubs. 

1. Please fill in the following details *


2. Please select which Family Hub you would like to book space in *


3. I would like to book a *


4. Room required if known or approximate number of adult and child / young person attendees.


5. Start date *


6. End date *


7. Arrival time (please include your set up time) *


8. Departure time (please include your packing up time) *


9. How often would you like to use the space? (please tick all that apply)


10. Do you require any equipment such as a projector, flip chart etc. if yes please give details in the comments box below.


11. Please add an additional information that might be helpful for us to know here.