1. Would you like to see more prescriptive, but not exhaustive examples of the types of
information that should be recorded in the child protection file?
If yes – please provide examples of the information you feel should be recorded:
2. Does your school or college have difficulty meeting the 5 day transfer deadline?
If yes, please provide examples of when this proved difficult:
3. When a child transfers between a school and/or college, and there are issues or concerns in relation to that child, do you think it would be good practice for a conversation to take place between the designated safeguarding leads at both settings?
4. Does your school or college record behavioural incidents that may indicate concerns about susceptibility to radicalisation, for example instances of hate-speech, intolerance or engaging in sharing violent imagery, regardless of whether it meets the threshold for referring to Prevent within a child protection file and share this information with other
education settings when the child transfers?
If not why?
5. We know that over time, across multiple phases of education, a fuller understanding of unrelated behavioural concerns can often be helpful in identifying a need for early safeguarding interventions. What type of incidents and level of seriousness do you think should be recorded?