Dear Parent,
To book your child a place in Ellie's May Half Term Camp please complete the following form.
If you would like to book another child please fill in a separate form UNLESS both children need the same bookings. If they do have the same bookings please provide their names and class below so you can benefit from the sibling discount.
When completing the form only fill in the days or full weeks required and select whether you would like any top up sessions from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
Once you have submitted the form we will contact you to confirm that your booking has been set up on Scopay for payment to be made.
If you have any questions please contact the Office on 020 8340 7023 or email
The Office Team
This question requires an answer
1. Name of child(ren) and class(es) *
2. Full week (Tuesday 27th May - Friday 30th May). Please note Monday 26th May is a Bank Holiday.
3. Individual days (Please note Monday is a Bank Holiday)
4. Top Up from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm
This question requires an answer
5. Name of Person completing the form *