Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback on NHS Highland's easy read screening website.  This should only take a few minutes to complete.

How we protect your data

Data will be stored within SmartSurvey and accessed and analysed by staff working in the NHS Highland Public Health Directorate. As any feedback you add here and send on to us is anonymous it means staff accessing this will not know who sent it.

Any feedback you give us will only be used to help us improve our Easy Read Screening web pages to make them as useful as possible for others.

You can read NHS Highland's privacy notice here:
Smart Survey's privacy policy is available here:

1. Is the information in this section of our website helpful?


2. Was the information in this section of the website easy to understand?


3. Is there anything you would like to tell us about this section of the website? 

Please do not include any personal information ( like your name, address or any health conditions)


Thank you for your feedback.