Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan 2021 – 2036

The Neighbourhood Plan sets a framework for future development in Edenfield up to 2036 and if adopted will be a material consideration in determining planning applications in this area, alongside the adopted Rossendale Local Plan.

Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum has previously consulted on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan 2021 – 2036. 

This final consultation is being led by Rossendale Borough Council, in accordance with Regulation 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015. It will run for 6-weeks. The consultation ends at 5pm on Tuesday 30 July 2024.


The Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan documents include:

1.    Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan – submission version (Jan 2024)

2.    Basic Conditions Statement (Jan 2024)

3.    Basic Conditions Statement Appendix A – SEA Screening Opinion

4.    Appendix 1 Policies Map (Jan 2024)

5.    Appendix 2 Factbook (Jan 2024)

6.    Appendix 3 Design Code Report (Jan 2024)

7.    Appendix 4 Local Green Space Report (Jan 2024)

8.    Appendix 5 Locally Important Views  Report (Jan 2024)

9.    Appendix 6 Consultation Statement) June 2024)

10. Appendix 7 Glossary


Viewing the documents

·         The documents can be viewed on the Council’s website Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum | Neighbourhood Plans | Rossendale Borough Council or 

·         at the Council’s offices at Futures Park, Bacup, OL13 0BB, during normal office hours. Please contact the Forward Planning team if you wish to make an appointment. 


All valid comments received will be made public, including all evidence and information which is submitted to supplement the representation. Please do not submit any information or evidence that you do not wish to be made public. The Council cannot accept any anonymous responses nor any that are for whatever reason illegible.