Elective Home Education - Safeguarding Pupil Form

Elective Home Education - Safeguarding Pupil Form

This form should be completed by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. If the child has additional needs, input from the SENDCO will also be required. This information is essential in order to assess potential safeguarding concerns which may deem Elective Home Education unsuitable. As the child will no longer be within the school community please consider if any concerns warrant social care involvement and refer to MASH if appropriate

Letter from Parent/Email from Parent requesting EHE

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Have you completed the School Exit Form (Elective home education - Support for schools and settings), making sure parents are aware of the responsibilities they are undertaking? (This form is for school records only. Please do not send to the EHE Team)


Has Parent been advised to complete the Voluntary Registration Form and the young person directed to the Student Voice Form? (Please find these forms on Elective home education - Support for schools and settings)


Student Voice Form

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