We value your feedback!

The ICO's Enterprise Data Strategy (EDS) outlines how we use data to inform and direct our corporate, regulatory and strategic priorities. Your insights are crucial in helping us improve it and better serve your needs. 

We want to hear from businesses, the public sector, civil society and interested individuals. Your input will  help us shape and align our data-driven activity to the challenges and opportunities facing the UK. We are particularly interested in understanding what additional data you want to see and how this will better serve the public interest, help organisations innovate and mitigate risk.

This survey is split into three sections: 

  • Section 1: Your views on the ICO data strategy
  • Section 2: About you

The consultation will remain open throughout 2024

If you have any questions or difficulties please contact: EnterpriseDataStrategy@ico.org.uk

Privacy statement

We may publish in full the responses received from organisations or a summary of the responses. If we do publish any responses, we will remove email addresses and telephone numbers. Please avoid sharing any information you would not be happy for us to make publicly available. 

Should we receive an FOI request for your response we will always seek to consult with you for your views on the disclosure of this information before any decision is made. For more information about what we do with personal data please see our privacy notice.  

Please note that we are using the platform SmartSurvey to gather this information. Any data collected by SmartSurvey for the ICO is stored on UK servers. You can read their Privacy Policy and Notice here.

Are you happy to proceed? *