Empowering Communities Survey 2024

1. Introduction


This survey will help us to measure the impact of the Empowering Communities Partnership and enable us to shape our support to the Norfolk VCSE sector in the future.

We really appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey, which should take no longer than 15 minutes. As a thank you there is the chance to win a £30 voucher for The Feed (or your choice of local social enterprise) plus two runner-up prizes of a £10 voucher for a popular supermarket chain.

If you would like to enter the prize draw please enter your email on the final page of the survey.

Depending on the role you have within your organisation, you may not have the information to complete all questions so please skip any that you do not feel are relevant to you. We welcome multiple respondents from the same organisation.

This survey will close at 5pm on Monday 23rd September.

Your answers will be kept confidential and will be analysed and reported on anonymously. However, data will be shared amongst the Empowering Communities partners in order to help with providing future support. At the end of the survey, there is a box to tick if you would like to opt out of any further communications. If you have any questions about this or anything else, please email communities@voluntarynorfolk.org.uk

To contact Empowering Communities: enquiries@ecnorfolk.org.uk

To contact an organisation within the partnership directly, please click here

For more information please visit www.ecnorfolk.org.uk