Oldham Recruitment Event - Candidate Feedback Form


1. How did you hear about this event?


2. Did you understand what the event was before you arrived today?


3. If you received the candidate information pack, did you find it useful?


4. Was it easy to travel to the event?


5. Did someone support you around the fair today?


6. Which organisations did you speak to or visit today?


7. Have you enrolled/applied for an opportunity today?


8. Approximately, how much time did you spend at the event today?


9. Have you been advised as to what happens next?


10. What Job Role(s) / opportunity were you looking for today?


11. Overall, did you find the event useful and would you recommend this event to a friend or attend again yourself in the future?


12. Is there anything you would like support with moving forward? If so, please leave your name and contact information in the box below and someone will be in touch

Check out our survey templates or create your own.