Dying Matters: your views and experiences - May 2024


Dying Matters Week will take place from 6th-12th May. The focus this year ‘The way we talk about Dying Matters’, focuses on the language that we use, and conversations we have, around death and dying – specifically between health and care professionals and people they support, their carers and their families.

We recognise that thinking and talking about death and dying can be difficult, but we want to hear your views about the care and support you may receive when you or your loved ones are near the end of life.  People often tell us they don’t feel prepared and they haven’t fulfilled their wishes or communicated them.

Your views will help shape and improve palliative and end of life care services and support available in Gloucestershire in the future and help us understand where the changes we have made have made a difference to you. The feedback that you provide is anonymous and will be stored securely. To find out more about the way NHS Gloucestershire uses your information please click here to visit our website.  

Please only answer those questions you feel able to. If you would like to talk to someone afterwards you can find more information and details of available support here.