Dog Control PSPO consultation




Please complete this feedback form to share your views on the proposals for dog control and smoking.


The closing date for responses is 14 July 2024.


How to complete this feedback form:


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Exclusion of dogs from defined children’s play areas, multi-use games areas (MUGAs) and tennis courts.

Dogs are currently excluded from any children’s play area that contains children’s play equipment such as slides, swings, climbing frames and similar apparatus and that is enclosed on all sides by fences, gates, walls or other structures that mark the boundary of the play area. 

Dogs are also excluded from any partially or fully enclosed sports area (commonly known as a multi-use games area or MUGA) and from tennis courts. There is an exemption to any exclusion requirement for any person who is registered blind in charge of a registered guide dog; any person who is deaf and in charge of a hearing dog for deaf people; any person suffering a disability and in charge of a dog trained to assist their mobility which has been trained by a member of Assistance Dogs International.


1. We are proposing to continue the borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) that excludes dogs from all outdoor fully enclosed children's play areas that contain children's play equipment. Do you agree with the proposal to continue to exclude dogs from these areas? Please select one option only. 


2. We are proposing to continue the borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order that excludes dogs from partially or fully enclosed sports areas (commonly known as multi-use games areas), and tennis courts. Do you agree with the proposal to continue to exclude dogs from these areas? Please select one option only. 



Dogs to be placed on leads if requested by an authorised officer – applies across the whole borough

The Council recognises that the vast majority of dog owners are responsible and keep their dogs under control while they are out and about. Dogs that are considered to be not under proper control are subject to this part of the Order.   The proposal is therefore that the person in control of a dog should put the dog on a lead if requested to do so by an authorised officer. Authorised officers will carry appropriate identification.

3. Do you agree with the proposal to continue the requirement that dogs must be placed on a lead if requested by an authorised officer? Please select one option only 


Dogs to always be on a lead on a small number of specific sites 

Dogs must always be placed on a lead on some specified sites. The sites identified are those where there have been specific issues in allowing dogs to run free at any time.

4. Do you agree with the proposal to continue the requirement that dogs should always be on a lead in cemeteries and council maintained crematorium gardens? Please select one option only 


5. The Council has received a number of enquiries and concerns about off-lead dogs causing damage to the surface of bowling greens. 
Do you think the PSPO should be extended to include a requirement for dogs to be on a lead at all Council-managed bowling greens? Please select one option only 


6. Grosvenor Park in Chester has traditionally been an area where dogs must be on a lead at all times because of the formal planted areas. Do you agree with the proposal to continue the requirement that dogs should always be on a lead in Grosvenor Park in Chester? Please select one option only 


7. Are there any other specific areas where you feel that dogs should always be required to be on a lead? If so, please identify any sites as accurately as possibly by name, address and postcode and give reasons for your suggestion(s) in the box below: 
(Please Note: Landowners affected, including Town and Parish Councils, can provide more information in the landowners/managers section at the end of the survey)  


Length of lead to be specified in the Order
In the current PSPO, if there is a requirement for a dog to be on a lead, a lead is defined as being of fixed length and of not more than two metres (m). Extendable leads are acceptable but, they should be locked at a length of 2m or less.

8. Do you agree with the proposal to continue to define the length of lead to be used (as described above) when there is a requirement for a dog to be on a lead? Please select one option only 




Dog walkers to pick up dog foul and carry with them the means to pick up foul.

There is an exemption to any of these requirements for any person who is registered blind in charge of a registered guide dog or any person suffering a disability and in charge of a dog trained to assist their mobility which has been trained by a member of Assistance Dogs International.

9. Do you agree with the proposal to continue with the borough wide requirement that dog walkers should pick up their dog’s foul? Please select one option only 


10. In addition, the proposal is to continue with the borough wide requirement that any person in control of a dog must carry with them an appropriate means of collecting dog foul. Do you agree with the proposal to continue to require dog walkers to carry a means to collect dog foul? Please select one option only 




The proposal is to continue with the borough wide restriction on the number of dogs that can be walked by one person at any one time, whether on behalf of a business or themselves. The current maximum is set at six dogs.

11. Do you agree with the proposal to restrict the number of dogs that can be walked by one person at any one time? Please select one option only 


12. Please select what you consider the maximum number of dogs walked by one person at any one time should be (please select ONE answer). 



Prohibition of smoking from defined children’s play areas
There is a current PSPO which prohibits smoking from all outdoor fully enclosed children’s play areas that contain children’s play equipment.

13. Do you agree with the proposal to continue to prohibit smoking in all outdoor fully enclosed play areas? Please select one option only 


The next section should be completed by landowners/managers including Town or Parish Councils.
Are you responding as a landowner/manager or Town/Parish Council?
Please select one option only.  *