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Drumchapel NIIF - Community Ideas

1. Introduction


The Drumchapel/Anniesland Area partnership has an allocation of £1million for improvements to the local neighbourhoods and wants to local people to give their ideas on how to spend it.  

The money will be split by community council area and the allocation for Drumchapel Community Council has been allocated a third of £1million.   We are currently gathering ideas from the community, which will be costed and put to the public vote in the new year.  

The money can be spent on the following categories:

Open and green spaces, including specific tree projects 

Making spaces accessible and welcoming, planting flowers or trees, community gardens, enhancing monuments and fountains, better use of derelict land and preventative measures for fly-tipping

Spaces for leisure and play, including community buildings 

Improving or creating new play areas, outdoor sports equipment, sports courts, pitches or skateparks

Street furniture 

New seating areas, bollards or guard rails, bike sheds

Street lighting and CCTV

Introducing or upgrading street lighting, installing lights to make people feel safer

Condition of roads 

Introducing road markings, resurfacing roads, upgrading road layouts to improve traffic

Condition of pavements 

Improve path accessibility, widening pavements, lowering curbs, resurfacing pavements, protecting residential or disabled parking

Road safety and crossings

Improving visibility at junctions, upgrading or creating new crossings, signs or traffic signals, ideas to improve pedestrian’s safety and accessibility 

Impact of flooding 

Investigate flooding, maintain drainage systems, sustainably manage water by introducing raingardens, street trees, sustainable draining basins or ponds, downpipe planters or green roofs. 


Please take a minute to fill out our survey – you don’t need to choose all the categories; we’d like to hear about even one thing that’s important to you.  

If you require any additional information about this survey or would like this document in an alternative format or community languages, please contact: 07557 170155 or 07789 031084

The Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  For more information about this please visit