Green Park's New AI Platform


We are working on the GP Hai³ BETA to help people to make consistent inclusive decisions through this new AI model. Please complete these questions which should take you less than 10 minutes. Your valuable input will help us to make critical improvements and shape this new product into something that we think will make more organisations truly inclusive.  Thank you for your help.


1. Please provide your full name. *


2. Please provide your job title. *


3. Please provide your company name. *


4. Please provide your email address. *


5. After logging into the platform for the first time, how quickly were you able to understand what to do? 


6. Was the platform easy to use? 


7. How did you find the responses to your questions? 


8. Was the content in the information hubs (‘Retention Engine’, ‘GP Data Room’, ‘Institutional Inclusion’, ‘Business Ethics and Reputation’, ‘Global Market Intelligence’ and ‘Leadership and Culture’) helpful?


9. How confident would you be about using the information provided by the platform?


10. What did you think of the overall look and feel of the platform?


11. How would you use this platform? For example: would you refer to this before a meeting, as part of your professional development, or before you interview someone? 


12. What did you like most about the platform?


13. What could be improved to make it more relevant for you? Please be as detailed as possible.


14. Who else do you think would benefit from this platform?


15. Do you think this platform will help with people’s knowledge, understanding and confidence regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?


16. Please let us know if you are happy for us to use your comments, your name, position and company in our promotional material. We would contact you in the first instance for approval.