
Public Body Board recruitment (Board members)


I would like to invite you to take part in the Board Recruitment survey. 

The Public Bodies Unit (PBU) will carry out two thematic reviews this year, the first of which is on Board Recruitment.  Participation is voluntary. Responses will inform future recruitment best practice for public bodies in Wales and will be beneficial for all our Public Bodies and Welsh Government.  

The Board Recruitment thematic review considers the different approaches for Board recruitment across regulated and non-regulated Board appointments.

Board members are invited to share your experience of the recruitment process.  It will take 15-20 minutes to complete.

A separate survey will be sent to Public Bodies and their Partnership teams to invite them to share their experience of the recruitment process.

A report analysing the findings of both surveys will be considered by the Welsh Government's PBU Reference Group which consists of Welsh Government Directors and is chaired by Tim Moss, the Chief Operating Officer. It will then be circulated to Public Bodies, Partnership Teams and Chairs of Boards/Panels.

Individual results will not be shared with anyone outside the PBU team, or the Corporate Digital team supporting the Smartsurvey.   You can find out more about how your information will be used by reading our privacy notice.  

Please note questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory as your response will direct you to the next relevant question. However, most questions are non-mandatory to encourage engagement.  You can complete this survey anonymously if you prefer.  

Please note the closing date for this survey is 5.00 pm, Wednesday 27 September 2023.

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To ensure you don't lose your answers, please only navigate the form using the buttons at the bottom of each page.