Cornwall VSF is carrying out this survey in collaboration with the University of Exeter to update our understanding of the current shape and size of the VCSE sector in Cornwall.
It’s vital that sector colleagues complete the survey as it will give us all a collective view of the contribution you make, the challenges you face, the support you need and the opportunities for the sector over the coming years. It will also specifically shape the support offer Cornwall VSF and other VCSE infrastructure partners develop for the VCSE sector to better meet your needs.
Thank you for your valuable time and input.
Your responses to this survey's questions will be accessed by project team members only. All questions are optional and you can request for your response to be deleted at any point and at no disadvantage to you (email: Summarised, anonymised responses may be used in reports and in publications produced by the collaboration.
For further guidance on the Census method being used, visit our website here