The survey asks a few questions about your views on the Non-Residential Charging Policy ('charging policy') which is used to decide how much you are charged for the services you receive.
This survey is anonymous however some information about you such as your age, gender, and ethnicity is asked for, to inform our results.
The survey results will help the HSCP provide evidence for the equality impact assessment (EQIA) it conducts on the charging policy. (The HSCP carries out EQIAs to make sure that changes to major policies, services, or developments do not discriminate against anyone and where possible, promote equality of opportunity.)
The EQIA will inform a report on the charging policy, to be considered by the Council’s City Administration Committee meeting in March 2025.
Taking part in the survey will not affect the services you receive or your charges for these services. There is no reward for taking part in the survey, however the HSCP is very grateful for your contribution.
When the EQIA is complete, it will be available on the HSCP website Publications Archive page. This hosts previous EQIAs that the HSCP has written.
If you would like to take part, please click on the 'next page' button below to start the online survey. Please complete the survey in a single session, it should take around 5–10 minutes.
Margaret Hogg
Assistant Chief Officer (Finance)