There are three sections within this call for evidence:

  • Section 1: Use of children’s personal information in recommender systems.
  • Section 2: Use of personal information of children under 13 years old.
  • Section 3: Details about you, and views about what the Children’s code strategy should deliver. For industry bodies or organisations that need to comply with the Children’s code, there are also questions seeking high level views on the impact of the Children’s code more generally.

We provide further details on the first two areas in our Children’s code strategy progress update.

The call for evidence will remain open until 23:59 on 11 October 2024. We may not consider responses received after this deadline.

Please note that all questions are optional, other than those that are used to route respondents to different sections of the call for evidence. Therefore, you do not need to respond to all questions.

You will be able to save your responses before submitting (an email will be generated with a link to revisit your response), and you will also be able to print or save a copy of your submissions (to do this, click on ‘Print or save your response’ on the final screen and using the drop-down menu labelled ‘Printer’, you can choose to either print or save as a PDF). You can also respond to the call for evidence by downloading this Word document and emailing it to

If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact:  

Privacy statement

Your responses to the questions in this call for evidence are anonymous, unless you choose to include your contact information in the final two questions.

We may publish in full the responses received from organisations or a summary of responses for this call for evidence. If we do publish any responses, we will remove any personal information provided. This includes addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. We will not publish responses from individuals acting in a private capacity.

Please avoid sharing any information you would not be happy for us to make publicly available. If you do want to share sensitive information or confidential commercial information, please contact us first before responding:

Should we receive an FOI request for your response, we will endeavour to consult with you for your views on the disclosure before any decision is made. Please note we can only consult with you if you choose to include your contact information in the final question.

For more information about what we do with personal data please see our privacy notice

Please note that we are using the platform SmartSurvey to gather this information. Any data collected by SmartSurvey for the ICO is stored on UK servers. You can read their privacy policy and notice here.

1. I have read the introduction page, and I am happy to proceed:  *