Chemistry Week Grants 2024


1. Welcome!


Chemistry Week 2024 - Chemistry is Shaping the Future

4 - 10 November 2024 - Celebrate Chemistry Week throughout November 2024!

For Chemistry Week 2024, the RSC are offering grants of up to £500 to:

Current RSC Members
RSC Member Groups (including Local Sections and Interest Groups)
Teach Chemistry Schools
ChemSocs who are registered with the Student Chemical Society Network

based in the UK or RoI, for activity to take place in the UK or RoI. Applications from individuals or groups which do not fall under these criteria are ineligible for the Chemistry Week 2024 grants.

The RSC will be concentrating celebrations during Chemistry Week itself (4 - 10 November 2024), but you may apply to this fund for activity taking place at any point during November 2023.  Further information on Chemistry Week can be found here.

Before completing your application we recommend you read our eligibility, criteria, restrictions and application guidelines provided below. If you have any questions about your proposal, eligibility or completing the form please get in touch with us at

The application form may take 20 minutes to complete. You can save a partially completed application form and return to it later. Once you have submitted your application you will not have any further opportunities to amend it. 

There are 3 rounds of applications, the deadlines are as follows:

Monday 5 August
Monday 9 September
Monday 7 October

Applications will close at 23:59 on each of the above dates. Application outcomes will be notified within 3 weeks of each deadline.


  • This grant scheme is open only to current RSC Members, RSC Member Groups, Teach Chemistry Schools and ChemSocs (who are registered with the Student Chemical Society Network) in the UK and Republic of Ireland for activity taking place within the UK and Republic of Ireland. 
  • Maximum grant amount £500
  • Grants are restricted to one per individual/group . Those wishing to apply for additional or larger grants should submit an application to the Outreach Fund
  • Applicants should not resubmit an unsuccessful application unless invited to do so
  • Applicants must be aged 18 years or over


All applications will be judged on the following criteria and should clearly demonstrate that:

  • the project is themed around and supporting the topic of 'Chemistry is shaping the future'
  • the project has a significant aspect which is related to the chemical sciences
  • the project has a clearly identified target audience
  • the intended impact on the audience has been defined
  • projects are planned to take place during November 2024 - activity can extend outside of this window but we expect the main focus to be during November 2024


Chemistry Week grants will not be awarded to:

  • Projects where there is no significant component relating to the chemical sciences
  • Projects which do not involve engaging schools or the public with the chemical sciences, with the purpose of disseminating knowledge in line with the grant criteria and aims
  • Cover the cost of hardware, apparatus or equipment (e.g. microscopes, digital cameras, printers, computers), unless it is shown to be integral to the project, and will be used beyond the project lifetime to communicate chemistry
  • Projects intending solely to develop or deliver staff or teacher CPD (continuing professional development)
  • Projects which aim to generate a financial surplus for commercial organisations
  • Projects which are part of an organisation’s or education institution's usual programme of activities, including Open Days and Taster Days
  • Cover the cost of Crest Award fees or venue entry fees
  • Fund salary costs which are already paid by an organisation
  • Projects where the funding does not significantly enhance the activity, for example, where the costs applied for are for promotional materials for a larger project
  • Projects where there is an expectation or assumption of input or support from the RSC further than the provision of funds, including support for content development. If you have identified an area in your project that may require additional support from the RSC, you should get in touch with the RSC prior to submitting your application to discuss
  • To fund the delivery of a commercial science show or activity without justification. An application to fund a commercial science show, however, will be considered if the applicant can explicitly justify how and why the show is relevant and the best method of delivery for the specific audience, in addition to measurable learning outcomes and long term impact of the show for the audience
  • Cover the cost of resources (including textbooks, staff costs or equipment) to deliver the core curriculum or for normal curriculum delivery in schools. Applications to support activity that enhances normal teaching, notably extracurricular activity (including before/after school or lunchtime clubs) will be considered

Application guidelines

The application consists of the following sections, please complete all of them:

Applicant details
Please provide the main applicant's contact details. This is the person who will be responsible for receiving any grant money awarded and completing a grant evaluation. 

Project details
Please provide a clear and concise description of your planned project including, overall aims and objectives, key dates and locations, a brief description of what you are planning to do and a brief description about how the proposed activity supports this years theme of. This should include a link to chemistry. 

Project Audience
In this section, the questions will guide you to provide details of the intended audience of your activity. Please give as much detail as you can.

Evaluation and Risk
In this section you will be asked to give details of how you know your activity is a success, how you will evaluate it and what risks might be involved.

The panel needs to see what the grant will be used for and will look at whether the costs are good value for money with respect to the project.  For this please upload a file to demonstrate and categorise costs in relation to your budget. Our website provides a list of items that will not be funded by the Outreach Fund which are in line with the Chemistry Week grants.

Data protection
In order to submit your application, you need to  acknowledge that you have read and understood our terms of use and how we will use the information you submit.