Lismore Local Place Plan

1. Lismore Local Place Plan Consultation


The Scottish Government has tasked Local Authorities with promoting and verifying the production of Local Place Plans by communities in Scotland. These Local Place Plans (LPPs) were introduced under the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, which gives the right for local communities to have their own policy proposals for the use and development of land taken into account by the planning system. The LLPs need to cover a defined geographical area and they inform, and feed into, the statutory Local Development Plan for the area. In turn, both the Local Development Plans and the Local Place Plans are guided by the National Planning Framework and a number of other national policies and guidance. 

The LPPs focus on geographical /spatial developments but other issues that affect communities such as dog fouling, littering, tourism pressures etc. can also be covered.


More information on Local Place Plans can be found here:

Local Place Plans | Our Place (

Information on the National Planning Framework and relevant policies and guidance can be found here:

National Planning Framework 4 -  (

Lismore Community Council is leading the development of a Local Place Plan for Lismore.  The plan process must involve community consultation and once prepared, the draft Plan must be submitted to Argyll and Bute Council. It will be then verified and registered by the Council.


The first step in the consultation process is this brief questionnaire.  Questionnaire forms are being delivered to the households of all permanent residents but anyone can complete the questions here online. Hard copy forms should be left in the box provided in Lismore Stores.


The responses will be collated and presented at a community drop-in event (to be held on 1st March) at which there will be further opportunities to raise issues, record thoughts and ideas and comment on any suggestions or proposals that are presented.


Following the event, a draft Local Place Plan will be prepared, which will be circulated within the community for further comment and feedback. If necessary, a community meeting will be held to discuss the Plan before it is signed- off by the Community Council and submitted to Argyll and Bute Council.


All island groups and individuals are invited to get involved with developing the Local Place Plan.


A box will be available in Lismore Stores for any completed hard copy forms.


Please submit your responses by 14th February 2025