Cumbrian White-Tailed Eagle Project - Community Workshops 27/9/24


Friday 27th September

Community workshops will be held at the University of Cumbria (Ambleside Campus) at 1:30pm and 3:30pm on Friday 27th September.

You have the option to attend one of two workshops:
1:30pm - 3pm
3:30pm - 5pm

Community workshops are free to attend.
Sessions will be held in the Percival Lecture Theatre in the Langdale Building. A campus map can be found here:

Ambleside Campus address: The Barn, Rydal Rd, Ambleside LA22 9BB

Community workshops are for individuals who live in Cumbria or the surrounding areas, and aim to understand community attitudes and values, motivations and expectations, behaviours and behavioural change, and the anticipated costs and benefits of a potential white-tailed eagle reintroduction in Cumbria. 

Workshops will last around 90 minutes and aim to listen to and address any concerns by identifying suitable mutually agreeable options/mitigation through dialogue and a group task.

1. Please enter your full name  *


2. Please enter your email address  *


3. Select which workshop you would like to attend *


4. Select how many tickets you require  *


5. Do you live in Cumbria?


6. Please confirm your marketing preferences *


Please note: The Lifescape Project collects and holds personal contact data in the course of our work. For further information please see our  privacy policy.