CPS Commitment to rape victims

1. Reviewing the CPS commitment to rape victims

We’ve produced this commitment as part of our RASSO 2025 strategy.
It’s a companion to the CPS guide for victims of rape and serious sexual assault. It’s designed to provide a shorter summary of the commitments we make to rape victims about how we will support them through their case. 
It’s available as a webpage and as a downloadable PDF in English, Welsh and easy read versions.
Please use the questions below to frame your review and provide us with feedback.
Where you’ve identified something we need to improve please use specific examples. These help to make it clear what the problem is so we can make the changes we need to.
Demographic information
At the end of the questionnaire is an optional section on demographic information – including questions about your age, ethnicity, disability and gender identity as well as the level of experience you have with the criminal justice system.
This section is entirely optional and you don’t have to fill it in if you don’t want to. Any information you provide will help us to understand whether our commitment is meeting the needs of people with different experiences and backgrounds.
We’ll keep any information that you provide in this section confidential and we’ll only use your answers in an anonymised way. You can find out more about how we protect your data in our privacy notice: cps.gov.uk/privacy-notice-crown-prosecution-service-cps

1. We hope that having read the above information you are willing to provide feedback to us, and help us provide the best information we can. To process your data, we need your consent. Please select your choice below. Click agree if:

You have read the above information
You voluntarily agree to participate
You understand that your data will not be attributed to you personally, and will be stored securely


2. Are you providing your response as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?


3. Which version of the commitment are you using?