Survey about your participation in Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership’s consultation on the future of cottage hospitals in Kirkcudbright, Moffat, Newton Stewart and Thornhill


Healthcare Improvement Scotland supports and monitors work carried out by NHS boards and Integration Joint Boards to involve patients and the public in the planning and development of health services, and in decisions that affect those services. Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is currently consulting people and communities on the future use of four cottage hospitals (Kirkcudbright, Moffat, Newton Stewart and Thornhill). More information on Dumfries and Galloway HSCP’s consultation can be found here.

Who we are

This survey is by Healthcare Improvement Scotland. You can find out more about our work here.

Why we are collecting information

Part of our public task is to capture people’s views on how they feel they have been consulted on proposed service changes. We are independent from NHS boards and Integration Joint Boards, and with your input we can quality assure Dumfries and Galloway HSCP’s consultation process against national guidance. You do not need to take part in the survey, but doing so will help us to understand if people feel they have had enough information and the opportunity to be involved. We will share an anonymised report of the feedback we receive with Dumfries and Galloway HSCP to help inform their work and decision-making. We also collect contact details of people who may wish to receive a report of our findings.

What information we collect

We are looking for information on your views and experiences of being involved in Dumfries and Galloway HSCP’s consultation on the future use of the four cottage hospitals in Kirkcudbright, Moffat, Newton Stewart and Thornhill. The survey has a final section asking if you would like to receive news about our work. If you consent to this, you will also need to provide your name and contact details. When the survey is complete, all responses are downloaded, and all identifiable personal information is extracted from the survey responses and stored on a separate database. For information around our privacy policy and how we use data, please see

How we handle information

Your anonymous survey response will be put together with those from other survey participants. We do not focus on individual responses or use any of the information you give for non-survey purposes. Although direct quotes from you may be used by us in reports, they will be made anonymous and will not include your name or any other identifying information. Anonymised quotes, summaries or analysis of your comments or views may be used in published reports, on our website or social media. 

Fully anonymised reports of main findings may be shared with stakeholder organisations, with participants or published to a general audience. These will not include material that could identify any individuals who took part. If you have consented to us sending you information, we will keep your personal data secure and just as long as needed. You can unsubscribe at any time. We only share personal data when lawful. 

We will hold records of our engagement with you for 5 years from the end of the project. 

Your rights

You have a number of personal data rights. For more information on how we handle personal data, and how to contact the UK Information Commissioner if you wish to complain about how we handle your personal data, please see our online privacy notice here.

If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire, or require it in a different format, please contact us at or phone 07974 145218. Please respond to this survey as soon as possible and no later than 1 October 2024.

By submitting this survey to Healthcare Improvement Scotland, you agree to participate in this work - your views will not be included unless you click submit at the end of the survey.