2024 Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form


We are committed to having a diverse workforce that is representative of the communities the Care Inspectorate serves, therefore by gathering data, we can evaluate the effectiveness of our recruitment processes in achieving this aim. To assist us to monitor the effectiveness of our equality and diversity practices, we would encourage you to complete this monitoring form.

It is vital that we collect data at the recruitment stage to evaluate our performance in engaging with diverse communities. We use diversity information so that we can identify how we can improve the way we meet the needs of our applicants and staff. We also require this information for monitoring purposes.

This form will be kept separate from your application. The information it contains will not influence your application and will stay strictly confidential, be limited to colleagues in Human Resources. Forms are anonymised and we will retain de-personalised statistical information to help inform our recruitment activities, - no individuals will identifiable from this data.

Privacy: We respect your privacy and will only use personal information collected to support the recruitment process in accordance with UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. For more information about what data we process, please see our privacy notice on our website: https://www.careinspectorate.com/index.php/core-privacy-notice

Please select the relevant answer in each section which you feel most describes you or if you do not want to answer any specific question(s) please select ‘Prefer not to say’.