Professional Hairdresser Reader Survey 2019

Thank you for taking the time to look at completing the Professional Hairdresser reader survey. It should only take two minutes and you can check your progress at the top of each page. Don't forget - every completed entry will be entered into a free prize draw to win a magnum of champagne! Closing date is Friday 22nd November

Many thanks

The Professional Hairdresser team

1. Is your salon a single outlet or part of a chain? *


2. How many stylists (and colourists) work in your salon *


3. Have you or any member of staff attended a training course in the last 12 months? *


4. If yes, what was the course about?


5. Have you experienced a rise in male clients in the last two years? *


6. Do you retail male specific products? *


7. If you don't how likely are you to add them? *