Housing Questionnaire


1. Please fill in the relevant details about yourself and your organisation below.

Please note this disclaimer that the answers you give for this question and for the rest of this survey will not be shared. *


2. Which groups of vulnerable people does your organisation provide housing for? Tick all appropriate answers


3. How many staff are in your company?

Please give a numerical answer. *


4. What is the average length of stay for a resident?


5. If the housing you offer is temporary, how many residents stay with you each year on average?


6. How many residents can you accommodate at one time?


7. If the housing you offer is temporary, where do residents move onto when they leave?


8. If the housing you offer is temporary, how often does the same resident return?


9. Are the residents supported 24/7?


10. How do you manage disruptive residents?


11. How is your organisation funded?


12. Do you believe there is a demand for long-term/permanent supported housing, for adults suffering from enduring mental illnesses?


13. Do you know of any organisations that offer long-term/permanent supported accommodation, for adults suffering from enduring mental illnesses?

Please list them in the text box below. Otherwise, please leave it blank.


14. Do you have any additional comments related to this survey?


15. Would you be available to be contacted, in order to discuss this topic further?

If yes, please write your email address below. If no, then please leave the text box blank.

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