BBA Survey of the Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival 2023

1. Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival 2023 Review by BBA

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the recent Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival. Your valuable insights will help us understand what aspects of the festival were successful for your business. Additionally, we are interested in hearing your suggestions for improving the festival experience from the Bushmills Business Association point of view. There has ben some very positive feedback received directly but we are also aware of a number of recurring issues have been raised and this survey wishes to collate feedback from the local businesses and present it to the Events Team at the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. As the main focus of the festival (and its funding criteria) is a celebration of food and drink heritage there does appear to be an appetite for a community event, which might be funded through the Community Grant programme. We have added a question about this also.


1. Business Name *


2. What aspects of the Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival 2023 did you find most successful for you as a business or festival participant?


3. How would you rate the overall organisation of the festival and explain why you have chosen this rating? *


4. How would you compare this year's event to previous years'? *


5. Were you satisfied with the variety and quality of food, drinks and crafts offered by the Naturally North Coast and Glens Artisan Market? *


6. What suggestions do you have which would improve footfall and spending in the existing local businesses over the festival?


7. Road Closures - which do you believe works best for the festival's success?


8. How many days do you believe works best for the festival's success?


9. There are two places from the BBA currently available on the Festival planning group. Would you be interested in taking a place in 2024?


10. Did you encounter any difficulties or challenges affecting you and or your business during the festival?


11. The layout of 2023 was adjusted from previous years to include new areas and different elements on Main Street, Main car park and behind the Designerie. Is this plan the best use of space or are there other locations which should be considered?


12. Would you support a rebrand of the festival name from the specific 'Salmon and Whiskey' to a general Bushmills food and drink festival brand?


13. What additional events or attractions would you like to see included in future festivals?


14. Would you, as a business or volunteer, support a Community Group in organising a Community festival event in Bushmills seperate to the Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival?

Create your own free online survey.